Rev Dr. Ken Chant

Ken and Allison
Ken and Allison
Ken and Stan

About Ken By Alison

Even though I feel half of me is missing I cannot wish him back to go on suffering the indignities of old age and the frustrations fo his failing sight and hearing. I praise God that on the last day his mind was still clear, and his voice was still strong, and his only thought was for me to go home and rest at 2.00pm as I was very tired. During that night he went to sleep in hospital and woke up in heaven with no struggle and no pain.

He was a wonderful husband and helped me to grow and develop and learn and he never held me back. I had the wonderful privilege of being his wife for 70+ years. I was amazed at the patience and sweetness he showed in the last few months despite his circumstances. He was a gentleman to the end, and I rejoice he is now with Jesus, no doubt having some theological questions answered!

After his illness in 2023 God gave Ken enough time to dictate his life story Warts and All. God's timing is perfect!

Alison Chant

Fifty Years of Vision

Dear Vision Family,

This is one of the most difficult mini articles I have had to write. It is not that I have little to say about my friend Ken Chant…it is that there is so much to say, and so many wonderful memories of a truly genuine man of God.  As most of you know, Vision began truly, as a vision from the Lord given to Drs. Ken and Alison Chant. By way of reminder, they were pastoring in a local congregation in Launceston, TAS when the Lord made clear to them that it was time to write and teach what the Lord had been giving Ken over the years.  Ken would write, Alison would give input and edit, and they would teach on the book material that they had produced. Thus began the Vision program…local church from its inception, and local church focused to this day.  Well, this year we celebrate 50 years since the launch of this School of Theology, which is now impacting Nations around the world, but sadly we also say goodbye to our founder, mentor (though he would hate me saying that) and one of the premier Pentecostal/charismatic theologians and preachers in our modern era.

I first met Ken here in San Diego, CA in the mid-1980s. Drs Ken and Alison had taken over a highly dysfunctional local congregation out of the goodness of their hearts (although, in practical terms, perhaps lacking in wisdom). I sought to meet him since I had not met any Australians up to this point and was grateful for Ken, or whoever was the cause of the many people in this local church to come seek Christian counseling, primarily from yours truly. In other words, unintended and unfortunately, their (the local church) unfortune was becoming my fortune.

When we first met, it was in a local restaurant. From the beginning, God knit our hearts together. Ken shared his story of wanting to write and to teach, and the vision God had given him. I shared with him my calling, that from my age of 12, God had made clear that I was to preach and teach the Word. Up until then, though a relatively successful family counselor and teacher of seminars, I had done very little in terms of theological instruction. After meeting Ken, I had the great privilege of teaching with the initial Vision College here in San Diego, and then when Ken and Alison felt led to go back to Australia, taking over the Vision program and expanding it as God has given us grace.

Probably my only regret is that I spent so little time serving with Ken in the local church here in San Diego. There were a lot of reasons for that, which we don't need to go into here. But over the years, having read all of what Ken has written many times, and listen in rapture to his teaching and preaching, if you will, his pontificate in his inimitable style, I grew to admire and appreciate Dr. Ken as a true gift to me, and to the body of Christ, of course. It was always an honor to hear his thoughts and ideas regarding scripture and its proper application, and though we did not agree on all subjects (sorry, watching a Test Match is like watching paint dry!) we never were disagreeable with one another, as mutual respect and affection was always shared liberally between us. Just having time with he and Alison in their house or our house were times of joy and delight. Ken was a true gentleman in every sense of the word. He made you feel welcome after, in some cases, some initial awkwardness, in light of people’s misperception that he thought of himself as “the great man of God.” Nothing could be further from truth…Ken was delightfully funny, self-effacing in humor, and deeply committed to relationships, especially with his family.  He always went out of his way to make you feel welcome, warm, cared for, loved, and of course, behind all of that was the gracious gift of hospitality that God has given Alison, his partner in all areas of life.

So, I will miss my dear friend. I can only speculate what his experience of heaven is. My thoughts lean towards his need to know the truth…all the truth. So, I can only assume that after he said hello to his beloved Savior and King, Jesus, and having looked around at the beauty and splendor of heaven for a moment, he likely darted off to the library of heaven (where he would likely find Paul the apostle) to see what things maybe he had missed and to answer a few questions that were still  burning within him when he stepped from this realm into heaven.

The Vision story, Dr. Ken’s and Alison’s, and now our story, is truly an unlikely one. It started out with a motto which seemed ridiculous at the time, taking the whole word to the whole world. But of course, that is exactly what God has done. By God's grace and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the whole word is being taken to the whole world for the glory of God, and will continue to, building on the foundation laid so well by our beloved and now departed friend Ken.

Of course, we're not done yet. We have plans for expanding our programs and services, so as to  continuously work to meet the needs of students around the world. We're upgrading and strengthening our online systems, expanding some degree offerings, and adding additional certificates in practical ministry areas, not just impact the United States, but the nations of the world. Let's continue to pray for Alison and the rest of the Chant family. Ken and Alison are such a blessing to Joan and me, and all of Team Vision…and I want to thank all of you who have been such generous givers and prayer warriors on behalf of Vision and our outreach ministry.

Dr. Stan

The passing away of Rev Dr Ken Chant is indeed a sad moment not just for his beloved family but also to us connected to Vision International University.

We who cherish Rev Dr Ken Chant's profound writings and books which has brought much grace and growth in our Christian life will always cherish him as we continue to study and apply all that the Almighty Lord laid in his mind to give to His Church through study.

We will remember him as he continues to inspire us as we run the race through our teaching sessions of his monumental work to God's Kingdom on earth.

His thoughts to educate and inspire believers is to pursue the lifestyle of righteousness through his immeasurable and invaluable teachings.

Dr Ken Chant has completed his destiny and has indeed entered into his glory. May he receive many many crowns for inspiring thousands of students through the Vision Colleges globally, particularly me.

I personally feel sad to receive this news but then again, it's his time to be glorified.

Rest in your glory, Sir!

Much Blessed,
Rev Dr Maria Wilson
Shekinah Grace Bible College, Malaysia

Tribute to Dr. Ken Chant

Today, we gather to honor and celebrate the extraordinary life of Dr. Ken Chant—a man whose legacy will forever resonate in the hearts of those he touched. Though we may not have met him in person, his influence spans across nations and generations, leaving an indelible mark on the Church and the world.

Dr. Ken Chant, alongside his beloved wife Alison, was a pioneer of faith and a visionary leader. Their journey began in Launceston, TAS, where they responded to God’s call to share His teachings. This calling led to the creation of the Vision program, a transformative initiative that has inspired countless individuals to deepen their faith and understanding of Scripture. Today, as we celebrate 50 years of this impactful ministry, we also remember Dr. Ken's unwavering commitment to building the Kingdom of God.

Dr. Ken was not just a theologian; he was a passionate teacher and communicator. His ability to convey complex ideas with clarity and warmth made him a beloved figure among students and colleagues alike. He dedicated his life to equipping others with the knowledge and tools to pursue their calling. His teachings challenged us to think deeply and seek truth, encouraging us all to grow in our relationship with God. Beyond his impressive intellect and accomplishments, Dr. Ken was a man of profound humility and kindness.

As we reflect on Dr. Ken's life, we recognize that his impact extends far beyond the walls of the church. He inspired a generation of leaders, students, and believers to carry forward the mission of spreading the Gospel. Dr. Ken believed in the power of the Church to transform lives, and his vision continues to guide us as we strive to fulfill that calling.

While we mourn the loss of Dr. Ken Chant, we celebrate his life—a life devoted to God, family, and service. We are grateful for the wisdom he imparted and the love he shared. As we move forward, let us honor his memory by continuing the work he so passionately championed.

Thank you, Dr. Ken Chant, for your unwavering faith, your love for God, and your commitment to teaching us how to walk in His ways. Your legacy will live on in the hearts of many, and we will strive to carry your vision into the future.

Rest in Peace, Sir!

Rev. Dr. Chris R. Wilson., Rev. Dr. Maria Wilson, Shekinah Grace Wilson,
Shekinah Grace Bible College (Malaysia)

What an honor to have known Dr Ken and Alison Chant, they have both made such a great and lasting impression upon myself and my wife.

We first met at his Logos Bible College in San Diego CA mid 80’s. Eventually he started Grace Church in response to many of us who asked him to because of issues with the senior pastor where Logos was previously. Dr Ken insisted he was not a pastor, but a teacher and instructor, yet for me he was a wonderful pastor. He and Alison often invited everyone to their home, they were always gracious and caring. It was there I experienced Alison’s pavlova and sometime later in my Aussie journey vegemite, oh boy.

I was asked to be a worship leader and Dr Ken gently and with much wisdom added knowledge to my zeal. I learned to “invite” the people to worship, to shepherd them and not drive them.

I recall one Sunday we had a guest speaker who preached a message that convinced everyone that they needed to commit to pray etc. more. The next Sunday Dr Ken very graciously shared that the basis of commitment should not be from guilt with the establishment of new laws. He was very honoring of the minister and yet released us from the legalistic commitment we all had made at the altar. Being raised in the church I’ve experienced some forms of manipulation that seemed somehow acceptable, but Dr Ken opened my eyes and heart in that moment to understand God’s grace and love.

Because of Dr Ken and Alison, I am forever a student of God’s Word. Their reliance upon God’s Word, their faith, the joy of learning and the blessing of being continually teachable was lived out. The Bible is clear that “knowledge puffs up, but love edifies / builds up” – such extensive knowledge they carried, yet such humility and love. Thank you, Dr Ken & Alison for all that you’ve built!

I know San Diego was difficult for Dr Ken & Allison, yet there came some lemonade from all those lemons. I now pastor a church, and I feel that Dr Ken & Alison contributed through their example of faith - stirring within me a reliance upon the Holy Spirit and the authority of God’s Word. Their life, teaching and books still fill my heart and library. There are even a couple of Dr Ken’s songs (in his unique style) that still come out of my mouth every now and then.

Ongoing prayers for comfort, strength and grace for Alison and family. I’m sure Ken is cheering us on from heavens library. Probably the only library where cheering and the noise of thanksgiving is constant.

Ongoing prayers for Vision International University, “Taking the Whole Word to the Whole World” thank you Dr Chant for what you initiated. Thank you, Dr DeKoven and team, for running with “the vision” - building, extending, enlarging and growing this much needed ministry.

Mark McElwee
Pastor, Heart of God Church
San Diego, California, USA

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