Vision International University


Online Associate of Arts

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Associate of Arts

The Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Ministry at Vision International University is a foundational two-year undergraduate degree designed to provide practical and theological training for Christian ministry. Crafted from a robust biblical and Pentecostal-Charismatic perspective, this program aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to serve in various ministry capacities effectively.

The curriculum combines rigorous academics with spiritual formation, creating a dynamic learning environment that nurtures the development of preaching, teaching, counseling, and leadership abilities. Each course is carefully selected to foster biblical and theological literacy, ensuring students can engage in effective ministry in their local churches and communities.

Program Highlights

Comprehensive Theological Training: Courses cover a broad spectrum, from Hermeneutics and New Testament Survey to in-depth studies on the Pentateuch and Pauline Epistles, providing students with a solid scriptural foundation.

Practical Ministry Skills: With courses in Spiritual Formation, Christian Character Development, and Dynamics of Teaching, students gain practical skills essential for daily ministry tasks.

Spiritual and Personal Growth: The program emphasizes spiritual maturity and personal development through courses like the Theology of Worship and Spiritual Warfare, aiming to prepare students for the spiritual challenges of ministry.

Community and Leadership Development: Courses in Speech and Communication and Introduction to Management equip students to become effective communicators and leaders within their ministry contexts.

Flexibility in Learning: The Associate degree program accommodates students with varied schedules, offering options to engage deeply with their studies while managing personal and professional commitments.

Program Goals

  1. Prepare students for effective ministry service in home or local church environments.
  2. Develop a strong sense of biblical and theological literacy.
  3. Enable students to study, teach, preach, counsel, and lead with confidence and authority.
  4. Equip students for the diverse responsibilities of Christian ministry.

By integrating intensive academic study with practical ministry training, the Associate of Arts in Ministry aims to cultivate a generation of ministers ready to impact their churches and communities with depth and integrity. This program serves as an excellent stepping stone for those looking to further their education and ministry capability through a Bachelor’s degree program.

Year One Courses (Certificate): 30 Credits

A study of the principles of composition with emphasis on language, the mechanics of writing, the types of discourse, and research and documentation. The course develops students’ ability to write unified, well-developed and coherent expository essays that employ standard English usage and mechanics, and exposes the students to literary works that sharpen their critical-thinking and analytical skill necessary in college writing. The course also includes a study of rhetoric and short essay composition, and readings and responsive writing assignments. This is predominantly a skills course to develop the student’s writing competency as a foundation for all future studies.

Credits: 3

The Word of God is the most important and incredible book anyone can study. It is the only book that can bring life to our lost and dying world. In this course the student will learn how to effectively study the Bible, its importance, usage and meaning.

Credits: 3

This course provides an overview of the New Testament, with a brief introduction to each of the 27 books of the Protestant canon, and a concise summary of their contents, enabling the learner to correctly relate the parts of the New Testament to each other, and to the Old Testament. The module allows the learners to enrich their knowledge of the Bible and their ability to read each part intelligently, with an understanding of the context in which each book occurs and of how doctrine evolved gradually over the centuries. Armed with this knowledge students are able to develop their ability to relate the Bible and its contents to daily life and to Christian witness.

Credits: 3

This foundational course explores detail the fundamental foundations of Christian belief. Orthodox Christian truths will be taught in detail and are prerequisite for a dynamic Christian life.

Credits: 3

This course examines the biblical perspectives on God’s plans and purposes for man and how God through his love and grace helps man to develop a believer’s personality through stages of spiritual development.

Credits: 3

Paul stated that whenever possible we are to live our lives at peace, especially within the household of faith. In our day, we need to learn the pattern for gracious living. While fundamentalism is regarded to view social controversy and moral issues with judgementalism and/or mean-spiritedness, this course will explore social issues in the context of a balanced “sweet reasonableness”. Submission in the family, church, and society will be explored in detail.

Credits: 3

This course examines the biblical perspectives on Christian Character and how God through his love and grace helps man to develop a right Christian character and personality through clearly established Biblical processes.

Credits: 3

The fourth Gospel is studied in light of its historical context and its stated evangelistic purpose to discover its testimony of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and to his saving work. The course will also explain and demonstrate some basic interpretative principles and methods of Bible study.

Credits: 3

The major focal point of this course will be upon the family as viewed as a social institution. We will be interested in the tacit dialogue between the institution of the family and that social situation of which the family is a part. This course provides a careful examination of the modern issues inherent in marital and family relationships; offers suggestions for treatment on an individual and church-wide basis; and provides numerous counseling resources. This course is specifically designed to encourage and help pastors, church workers and counseling students fully engage in the task of learning and growing in the knowledge of the development process of Christian families. A fundamental premise presented in this course is that the best kind of learning occurs when the student is actively involved in the process of learning. The best education consists not of simply knowing, but of becoming; that is, becoming all that God created us to be. The format of the course materials briefly examines the external structures of family life throughout the cycle of human existence, from a Christian perspective. It also teaches the student how to communicate and interact in more conscious, deliberate, and constructive ways. He or she can then become more fulfilled in his or her intimate relationships.

Credits: 3

This course introduces the subject of management, identifies leadership positions, and stresses the importance of the role of leadership and management skills in Christian Ministry. Biblical principles of leading like a servant and shepherd and qualifications for leaders are also discussed. Major tasks of leaders are reviewed, with emphasis on decision-making and handling conflicts. Guidelines for training leaders and followers are given, and principles of success and reasons for failure examined. Emphasis is placed on the contex of Management in Community Service, preparing the student to support Community Leadership.

Credits: 3

Year Two Courses (Associate Degree): 30 Credits

This course provides an overview of the Old Testament, with a brief introduction to each of the 39 books, and a concise summary of their contents, enabling the learner to correctly relate the parts of the Old Testament to each other, and to the New Testament. The module allows the learners to enrich their knowledge of the Bible and their ability to read each part intelligently, with an understanding of the context in which each book occurs and of how doctrine evolved gradually over the centuries. Armed with this knowledge, students are able to develop their ability to relate the Bible and its contents to daily life and to Christian witness.

Credits: 3

The foundation for the revelation of God and his dealings with man throughout the Old and New Testaments are found in the Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses. In these books we see the unity and authority of the Bible which always points forward to the Savior.

Credits: 3

A detailed study of the origin and development of the apostolic church and of the ministry of the ascended Christ as carried on through the church by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Credits: 3

An intensive study of the book of Romans and Galatians (for personal devotional purposes) in the light of the principles of sound exposition and analysis.

Credits: 3

Living a life of victory, power and sufficiency requires faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. This course discusses in detail the dynamics of faith and their relationship to the believer.

Credits: 3

This course is designed to familiarize the student with the principles of teaching in a structured environment. Emphasis is placed upon the principles of organization and presentation methodology including, Stating Objectives, Lesson Planning, Evaluation, Curriculum Selection and Development, Teaching Illiterate Students, and Teacher Training.

Credits: 3

Thanksgiving, praise and worship are vital for the New Testament Christian. Worship is dynamically illustrated and taught in this course. Emphasis on who we worship and why is maintained throughout.

Credits: 3

This course proposes to help the student discover the basic concepts of Christian counseling and increase skill and competence in counseling situations. This introductory course in psychology covers many of the major ideas in contemporary psychology, but focuses mainly on psychology in the context of Christian Counseling. Examination of psychological phenomena from bio-behavioral and socio-behavioral perspectives will be emphasized. The course will explore different approaches to counseling such as behavioral, psycho-dynamic, humanistic, biblical, and integrative Christian. In addition, the course describes different environments in which counseling is applied, especially in the context of the local church. The course will also explore the difference between counseling and other helping situations.

Credits: 3

This course is an overview of financial management issues, principles and tools. The course involves discussion, theoretical understanding, and practical applications of basic financial management. Understanding basic financial management issues is important for analyzing the current and future financial health of an organization, church, or ministry, leading to more informed decision-making. For all managers of churches and nonprofit organizations, understanding the basic concepts of funding streams, stewardship, budgeting and financial statement analysis is essential to building and maintaining a strong organization.

Credits: 3

This course will explore a variety of experiences that develop basic concepts of the oral communication process. The class includes communication theory as well as speech preparation and delivery. Basic techniques of the oral performance of literature with emphasis on content analysis and performance. Application of public speaking, oral interpretation and debate skills to competitive situations. This course also focuses on the fundamental methods of sermon preparation. It emphasizes both structure and delivery. Attention is given to the determination of audience type, the proper use of voice and other principles of public speaking.

Credits: 3

Electives (Year 1)

This course is based upon the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew, a former despised tax collector, penned the gospel that bears his name. He addressed the deteriorating state of the church and set out to bring correction to disillusioned, wayward and overconfident believers. Matthew left his readers a true meaning of: righteousness of the gospel, the standard of discipleship, the reason for the Lord’s delay in returning. This message is applicable for the church in every generation in all lands.

Credits: 3

The focus of this course is to provide a rewarding learning experience for the Bible College student at a beginning level. The focus of this practical ministry experience is servanthood.

Credits: 3

The core of this course is practical training in the philosophy and methods of soul winning, visitation, discipleship follow-up and evangelistic outreach including signs and wonders.

Credits: 3

To show the vital contribution of prayer in developing the whole person mentally, physically, and spiritually. A study is made of both Old Testament and New Testament prayer life, with special emphasis on the prayer life of Jesus and the early church. This approach helps the student to realize how prayer becomes a resident creative force in Christian living.

Credits: 3

As a child of God we must understand that our Heavenly Father is GOOD. His chief motivation in our life is to make us the best person we can possibly be. On the other hand, Satan is totally evil. Jesus gives us Satan’s job description in John 10:10. This course is about the battle of Good against evil.

Credits: 3

This course deals with the concepts of living by the laws and principles of the Kingdom of God.

Credits: 3

This course is a study on the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. How much fruit do you want in your life? Is your love for God reflected in your love for others? Has your love for God led to self-control? This course defines and discusses the fruit of the Spirit and urges you to permit the Holy Spirit to transform your character to become progressively more like Christ. The Holy Spirit is the creator of the Church and the fruit of the spirit is the ‘glue’ that holds it together.

Credits: 3

This course is intended to help the student to know and understand who they are in Christ. The Scriptures say that believers are created in the image of Christ.

Credits: 3

Electives (Year 2)

The majority of the symbols and types, and the principles of interpretation, are presented in this course with a view towards present meaning.

Credits: 3

An analysis and exposition of each book stressing the historical background and doctrinal matters with special emphasis on the Holy Spirit as treated by Paul in I and II Corinthians.

Credits: 3

A careful examination of the modern problems inherent in marital and family relationships, with special emphasis on parenting and its importance in church life.

Credits: 3

The focus of this course is to provide a rewarding learning experience for the Bible College student at an intermediate level. The focus of this practical ministry experience is stewards in God’s house.

Credits: 3

This course is designed to equip the student to understand and operate under the authority given to us by Christ. The student will learn from scripture the nature of Christ’s provision for us and our authority under His Lordship to function as Kings and priests.

Credits: 3

Leadership Ethics highlights the importance of fidelity, integrity, and value-based decision making. Contemporary ethical issues in church, community, and ministry leadership are examined from a biblical perspective. This course explores the sources, methods, disputes and insights of Christian ethics. Central themes and issues include freedom, conscience and the passions, the relation of God and morality, love and justice, virtue and law, and the question whether there is a distinctive Christian ethics. Because Christian ethics is a form of reflection which arises out of moral conflict, the course utilizes specific moral problems as a way of exploring these themes. Ultimately, these explorations will provide the student with a theoretical basis for understanding the nature of moral thinking itself and the form which it takes within a Christian context.

Credits: 3

The course will focus upon several modern cults. We will study the historical aspects of the beginning of each cult, their basic doctrinal positions, and their position relative to Biblical Christian beliefs. While not primarily a course designed for witnessing your faith, the course will aid the student in future contact with cult members and those influenced by cult members.

Credits: 3

The healing ministry of the church has essentially been given over to health care professionals. This course will explore issues such as historical, Biblical foundations, emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of healing. The goal of this course is to recover this vital ministry in the church.

Credits: 3

The covenant of God to his people has always been sealed with blood. The course of this covenant between God and his people is demonstrated throughout the Word of God.
in church, community, and ministry leadership are examined from a biblical perspective. This course explores the sources, methods, disputes and insights of Christian ethics. Central themes and issues include freedom, conscience and the passions, the relation of God and morality, love and justice, virtue and law, and the question whether there is a distinctive Christian ethics. Because Christian ethics is a form of reflection which arises out of moral conflict, the course utilizes specific moral problems as a way of exploring these themes. Ultimately, these explorations will provide the student with a theoretical basis for understanding the nature of moral thinking itself and the form which it takes within a Christian context.

Credits: 3

A thorough study of the role and function of angels in relation to the church of Jesus Christ and the believer is detailed in this course.

Credits: 3

A thorough study of the role and function of angels and demons in relation to the church of Jesus Christ and believers is detailed in this course.

Credits: 3

Living a life of victory, power and sufficiency requires faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. This course discusses in detail the dynamics of mountain moving faith and their relationship to the believer.

Credits: 3

Apply for VIU's Double Degree Program!

Earn Your Bachelor of Ministry Degree + Internationally Accredited Master of Arts in Business and Ministry Degree