Vision International University


Online Bachelor's of Ministry

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Man talking about the Bible - Bachelor of Ministry

Earn a VIU-Accredited Bachelor’s of Ministry

The B.Min. program spans 120 credit hours, requiring 30 credit hours be completed at Vision International University. Students will undertake five core courses that lay the foundational theological and biblical principles necessary for effective ministry. Beyond these core requirements, students can tailor their education by selecting from specialized tracks that align with their calling and the needs of their ministry contexts.

Program Highlights

Core Courses: Essential studies, including Advanced Hermeneutics, Church Growth and Development, and Christian Theology provide a robust foundation in biblical interpretation, ministry effectiveness, and theological depth

Specializations: Diverse emphases allow students to focus on specific areas such as Theology, Christian Counseling, Christian Education, Christian Leadership, Chaplaincy, and Women’s Ministry. Each track is designed to deepen expertise and practical skills relevant to these distinct fields of ministry.

Practical Ministry Education: Emphasizing real-world application, the curriculum includes courses that enhance skills in teaching, preaching, leadership, pastoral care, counseling, and cross-cultural engage ment.

Program Goals

Upon completing the B.Min. degree, graduates will be equipped to:
  1. Lead transformative initiatives within congregations, creatively and biblically.
  2. Respond effectively to societal trends impacting church ministry.
  3. Engage critically and constructively with new and historic models of Christian practice.
  4. Demonstrate deep biblical literacy and theological reflection.
  5. Serve effectively across various ministry roles, addressing a broad spectrum of needs with appropriate, contextual approaches.

Specialization Details:

Conversation about the Bible - Bachelor of Ministry

Theology: Focuses on systematic and contextual theology, including studies in Ecclesiology, Christology, and Pneumatology.

Christian Counseling: Prepares students to address crises, dysfunctional family dynamics, and issues of family violence with compassion and expertise.

Christian Education: Equips for educational roles in church settings with courses on classroom management and educational principles.

Christian Leadership: Develops leadership and administrative skills necessary for strategic church management and ethical decision-making.

Chaplaincy: Trains for ministry in specialized settings such as correctional institutions and programs addressing addiction and family violence.

Women’s Ministry: Explores the roles and contributions of women in ministry and biblical contexts, preparing women for leadership and ministry excellence.

Why Enroll in the
Bachelor of Ministry Program at VIU?

Enrolling in the B.Min. program at Vision International University represents an opportunity for both personal and professional growth, preparing students to significantly impact their churches and communities through skilled, compassionate, and ethically guided ministry. 

The program’s structure supports both in-depth study and practical experience, making it an ideal choice for those aspiring to high levels of responsibility and service in Christian ministry settings.

Group of Individuals studying - Bachelor of Ministry

Program Core (Required 15 credit hours):

This course is an advanced study in hermeneutics and interpretation theory from pre-modern times to the present, with a focus on the interpretation and method of reading biblical texts. The course is designed to prepare the student for advanced interpretation of scripture and will investigate biblical interpretation in light of current theological, philosophical, ecclesiological, historical and social challenges. The student will be exposed to current scholarship on a variety of hermeneutical topics. The student will learn to be humble and open-minded when approaching the text, even those that seem familiar. A scholarly approach will be presented.

Credits: 3

A study of church growth and development with special emphasis on church health. Attention will be given to the skills of observation of the historical and contemporary roles of the church and society. Students will describe the socialization and dynamics of the church to culture, and develop skills for effective ministry. Common errors in church leadership and development will be explored. Leadership in the church and administration of church affairs are explored in detail. Methods of administration and forms of leadership style and responsibility are delineated

Credits: 3

This course explores the manuscript and archaeological evidence supporting and detracting from the reliability of the text of the Bible as an original ancient manuscript. The origins of the biblical texts, the establishment of the canon, and issues of higher criticism will be explored. The courses also introduces the student to unique perspectives concerning the authority of the Bible and its application in church and community life.

Credits: 3

In almost every field, apologists recognise that “proof” will convince people only when they are already disposed to believe. The deepest human need is emotional, not rational; human hearts must be stirred before our intellects will respond. Thus the “proofs” of God in the end are valuable mostly as adjuncts to the witness of scripture. For that reason, many people, whose faith is already simple, untroubled, and firm, find no use for these proofs. But others are not so fortunate, and for them the proofs are an encouragement to faith, and a stiller of doubts. This course contrasts the Biblical concept of apologetics with various alternative positions, both theistic and non-theistic. This course will insist upon an intellectually humble and reasonable approach to apologetics, opposing the bombastic certainty espoused by some approaches to apologetics. This course will propose an apologetic that accounts for the inadequacies of arguing faith-dependent issues in rationalistic or emperical terms. This course is designed to refine the student’s Christian Worldview to engage a humbled perspective of science, religion, culture, and human existence. This course also considers major problem areas such as authority, miracles, evil and evolution and sets forth a basis for Christian apologetic which is theologically and historically sound.

Credits: 3

In the church, we use words that are often not clearly understood by the new Christian or by the unchurched. In this course the student will study the meaning of each theological word and will be able to apply these words to their own life. An introduction to the basic teachings of the Christian faith, this course includes discussions of the nature and task of theology and of the Christian understanding of God, revelation, creation, spirituality, sin, and redemption.

Credits: 3

Emphasis in Theology (15 hours):

The course will introduce students to the study of theology using the method known as systematic theology. While, by and large, the faculty of Vision International University reject the validity of a rational attempt to systematize biblical reflection or to dogmatize the experience of the scriptures, this course will serve as general exposure to systematic methodology from a Renewal Theology perspective. This course will not be a survey of the content of systematic theology but rather will introduce the students to the major issues in the forefront of the discipline in the Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions. The course utilizes the reflective approach rather than a dogmatic approach. The course will establish foundational principles and definitions that will guide theological discussion. The student will engage the primary text to inform and elicit theological thinking. The student will engage theology proper, the doctrine of God, from a Renewal perspective, and probe the nature of God, basic Christian doctrine, Renewal distinctives, and theological anthropology.

Credits: 3

An examination of the New Testament church with particular concern given to its origin, distinctive nature, mission, government, offices, ordinances, and destiny. The course will explore the nature and development of the Christian church and its interaction with contemporary society. The emphasis of the course will be practical ministry and church structure. Biblical exposition and church tradition will be jointly examined. Critical thinking about the church, clergy, parishioners, and society will be stressed.

Credits: 3

This course examines and analyzes the development of the doctrine of Christ from a biblical-expositional perspective. The course provides a detailed and contemporary theological study of the person of Christ. Special attention will be given to the Christological controversies of the early Christian centuries, and the resolutions of the councils that dealt with those controversies. The student will develop a personal Christology rooted in scripture and tradition.

Credits: 3

A review of the classical concepts of Christian Eschatology (death, judgment, heaven and hell) and of various contemporary approaches to the same material. Issues concerning the Return of Christ and the Apocalypse will be explored from a hermeneutical perspective. An interpretive study of the biblical passages concerning the final things according to Christian scripture and tradition. Consideration will be given to various views of the return of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, and the eternal state. Students will be presented with the array of diversity in the futurist and preterist views.

Credits: 3

This course provides a simple presentation regarding Holy Spirit Baptism from a classical Pentecostal/Charismatic perspective. It establishes that every Christian experiences Holy Spirit Baptism, the new birth and the baptism in the Spirit are distinct, and that the miraculous gifts of the Spirit are still available and should be occurring in the worship of today’s church. The course affirms that while glossolalia is the general biblical pattern for Holy Spirit baptism, it is not defensible dogma to assume that it is the only pattern that God uses.

Credits: 3

Emphasis in Christian Counseling (15 hours):

The world we live in, because of the influence of sin, is filled with problems. When crises happen, whether by “accident” or design, they cause severe disruption to our lives. It is an inherent quality of ministry to be able to effectively minister to those in crisis times.

Credits: 3

This course deals with the subject of dysfunctional families, especially as related to the psychological and spiritual dynamics of generational patterns. Attention is given to the need for understanding the theological and psychological patterns of reconciliation. Particular attention is given to showing the importance of relationship between the “Father Image” and it’s influence on generational patterns

Credits: 3

This course examines causes of dysfunctional anger and conflict, and provides Biblically consistent principles and methods for management and prevention. The course provides for both acquisition of knowledge and development of interpersonal skills.

Credits: 3

Counseling and Family Violence from a Christian Perspective is one of the required courses for students pursuing a degree in counseling with an emphasis in family counseling, domestic violence counseling, substance abuse and addiction counseling and/or pastoral counseling. Counseling and Family Violence focuses on the etiology, context, methodology and effects of domestic violence within the family. This course is designed to acquaint students, pastors, chaplains, educators and church workers with the psychological, sociological and theological aspects of family violence and abuse in its many forms. The underlying purposes of the course are to: 1) provide students an understanding of the biopsychosocial antecedents to family abuse and violence; 2) to provide students an understanding of the cycle of violence and the behavioral patterns associated with each phase of the cycle; 3) to educate students in the various forms of abuse that can escalate to violence; 4) to provide students an understanding of the nature of both expressive and instrumental violence; 5) to teach students how to conduct an assessment and psychosocial evaluation of a domestic violence perpetrator (batterer) and victim (battered spouse); 6) to train students in effective therapeutic intervention techniques, and; 7) to increase students’ critical thinking, writing skills and report preparation.

Credits: 3

This course is an introduction to human development from the perspective of physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. This course offers a broad overview of perspectives, principles, theories, and research findings associated with the field of human life-span development. The aim of the course is to provide a foundation of knowledge that will help the student become a more effective counselor, educator, and leader.

Credits: 3

Emphasis in Christian Education (15 hours):

A study will be made of theological concepts that form the philosophical perspectives and principles of Christian education. Organization and administration of church educational programs so as to integrate them within the total ministry of the local church is a primary focus of this course. This course includes a study of the major religious and secular developments in history and education along with a comparison of those developments with biblical principles. The goal is to develop an understanding of the church’s role in education and to develop a personal philosophy of Christian education.

Credits: 3

This course reviews the various influences on student behavior in the classroom and surveys effective strategies for managing that behavior. Various approaches to management are considered, including Responsibility Training and Omission Training. In addition, the positive influences of teacher behaviors such as lesson planning and documentation of student behavior are discussed. Students will be encouraged to consider methods of classroom management they would be most comfortable implementing in their own classrooms.

Credits: 3

This course is an introduction to human development from the perspective of physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. This course offers a broad overview of perspectives, principles, theories, and research findings associated with the field of human life-span development. The aim of the course is to provide a foundation of knowledge that will help the student become a more effective counselor, educator, and leader.

Credits: 3

This course examines causes of dysfunctional anger and conflict, and provides Biblically consistent principles and methods for management and prevention. The course provides for both acquisition of knowledge and development of interpersonal skills.

Credits: 3

Leadership Ethics highlights the importance of fidelity, integrity, and value-based decision making. Contemporary ethical issues in church, community, and ministry leadership are examined from a biblical perspective. This course explores the sources, methods, disputes and insights of Christian ethics. Central themes and issues include freedom, conscience and the passions, the relation of God and morality, love and justice, virtue and law, and the question whether there is a distinctive Christian ethics. Because Christian ethics is a form of reflection which arises out of moral conflict, the course utilizes specific moral problems as a way of exploring these themes. Ultimately, these explorations will provide the student with a theoretical basis for understanding the nature of moral thinking itself and the form which it takes within a Christian context.

Credits: 3

Emphasis in Christian Leadership (15 hours):

This course is an introduction to human development from the perspective of physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. This course offers a broad overview of perspectives, principles, theories, and research findings associated with the field of human life-span development. The aim of the course is to provide a foundation of knowledge that will help the student become a more effective counselor, educator, and leader.

Credits: 3

This course examines causes of dysfunctional anger and conflict, and provides Biblically consistent principles and methods for management and prevention. The course provides for both acquisition of knowledge and development of interpersonal skills.

Credits: 3

Leadership Ethics highlights the importance of fidelity, integrity, and value-based decision making. Contemporary ethical issues in church, community, and ministry leadership are examined from a biblical perspective. This course explores the sources, methods, disputes and insights of Christian ethics. Central themes and issues include freedom, conscience and the passions, the relation of God and morality, love and justice, virtue and law, and the question whether there is a distinctive Christian ethics. Because Christian ethics is a form of reflection which arises out of moral conflict, the course utilizes specific moral problems as a way of exploring these themes. Ultimately, these explorations will provide the student with a theoretical basis for understanding the nature of moral thinking itself and the form which it takes within a Christian context.

Credits: 3

The focus of this course is the development of Developing a sound biblical perspective in the challenges leaders face. Principles of both secular and spiritual leadership will be explained in depth. Leaders from government, business, education, and religion are analyzed for their positive strengths, leadership qualities, and ability to overcome adversity. The course is case study driven and provides real-world examples of leadership principles for the student to apply to her/his immediate context.

Credits: 3

When spiritual leaders are asked about their least desirable ministerial activities, administration is usually at the bottom of the list. A main reason sited for this antipathy for administration is that few leaders feel adequately equipped for this onerous task. Strategic planning, staffing, and management are explored in ways that those serving in ministry can understand and appropriate. Practical application will be emphasized.

Credits: 3

Emphasis in Chaplaincy (15 hours):

Counseling the poly-abuse client on an inpatient and outpatient basis with special emphasis on 12-step models. This course will cover the following: The study of alcoholism and other chemical dependency and the evaluation of the abuser, the medical aspects of alcoholism and other chemical dependency, current theories of the etiology of substance abuse, the role of persons and systems which support or compound the abuse, the major treatment approaches, legal aspects of substance abuse, knowledge of certain populations at risk, community resources offering assessment, treatment and follow-up, process of referring affected persons, and education concerning and prevention of substance abuse.

Credits: 3

Counseling and Family Violence from a Christian Perspective is one of the required courses for students pursuing a degree in counseling with an emphasis in family counseling, domestic violence counseling, substance abuse and addiction counseling and/or pastoral counseling. Counseling and Family Violence focuses on the etiology, context, methodology and effects of domestic violence within the family. This course is designed to acquaint students, pastors, chaplains, educators and church workers with the psychological, sociological and theological aspects of family violence and abuse in its many forms. The underlying purposes of the course are to: 

  1. provide students an understanding of the biopsychosocial antecedents to family abuse and violence; 
  2. to provide students an understanding of the cycle of violence and the behavioral patterns associated with each phase of the cycle;
  3. to educate students in the various forms of abuse that can escalate to violence;
  4. to provide students an understanding of the nature of both expressive and instrumental violence;
  5. to teach students how to conduct an assessment and psychosocial evaluation of a domestic violence perpetrator (batterer) and victim (battered spouse); 
  6. to train students in effective therapeutic intervention techniques, and; 
  7. to increase students’ critical thinking, writing skills and report preparation.

Credits: 3

This course examines the causes of recidivism and answers the question “Why do they go back?” The course discusses topics including: Preparation of inmates through pre-release programs, the first 30 days, and long-term aftercare requirements.

Credits: 3

An intensive survey designed to provide a basis for study of, and sharpening of skills for ministry in the jail and prison setting. An overview of the types of facilities in which ministry takes place, types of ministry being carried out, and opportunities for ministry within the facility and post-facility setting.

Credits: 3

This course is an in-depth study of correctional ministry to juveniles as it relates to understanding troubled youth, influences which lead to juvenile delinquency, skills and qualifications of those who minister, and working within the limitations of the Juvenile Justice System.

Credits: 3

Emphasis in Women's Ministry (15 hours):

This course will explore the interdisciplinary study of the changing identity and roles of women in the family, church, society, and ministry from history, psychology, philosophy, sociology, and theology. The course explores other ministries available that are relevant in today’s Christian community.

Credits: 3

An in-depth study of daughters of the church from the New Testament times to the present. This course endeavors to survey history and insight regarding women’s significant ministries in variety of ways throughout the history of the church.

Credits: 3

A course intended to help women in Christian Leadership with a ministerial career. It addresses the issues and special concerns with helpful teaching guides, the process of prioritizing ministry and family life in modern society and church.

Credits: 3

Advanced course of various concepts on how to develop a woman’s effective ministry in your church or community. It develops techniques on how to start, build, implement, maintain and expand ministry that will meet the needs of today’s women.

Credits: 3

An in-depth study of biblical women’s profile and what the Bible teaches regarding their struggles and triumphs. This study emphasizes that true liberation for women comes through Jesus Christ and recognition of the patterns and principles governing womanhood that is revealed in God’s Word.

Credits: 3

Apply for VIU's Double Degree Program!

Earn Your Bachelor of Ministry Degree + Internationally Accredited Master of Arts in Business and Ministry Degree