Vision International University


Schools of Ministry

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Unlock Your Potential with a Degree from Vision International University.

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Establish a School of Ministry in the Local Church

Vision International Global Ministries, Inc has developed an extensive Network of schools of ministry designed to assist in the task of "equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)".

  • Our role is to assist you, the local church in preparing leaders for service in their church and community. We believe that the church needs flexible delivery systems such as VIGM/Vision Resource Centers to accomplish the Great Commission: to teach all nations (Matthew 18).
  • We were founded for the purpose of developing and making available a dynamic educational and training system of high academic excellence, international in scope, and able to be contextualized to meet the specific needs of your individual church and ministries.
  • We offer local churches and ministries like yours a “turn-key” operation for the establishment of a high-quality in-house School of Ministry operated under local leadership, with the assistance of Vision International educational experts. We provide you with a comprehensive four-year curriculum consisting of over one hundred courses to train men and women for effective service under your authority and professional mentorship.  There are ways to train your future leaders with weekly or monthly classes in your church, as well as, mentor programs, online and offline.
  • Vision International Resources Center make it possible for Christian leaders and workers to fulfill their goals of completing their education and/or receiving academic credit, all without leaving their community, family, job, or local church! This can be accomplished right from your Resource Center under the tutelage and mentorship of your leadership; leaders who best know and have a keen pastoral interest in their spiritual development. No longer does the local church need to send its young people and developing leaders off to a faraway academic institution with curricula far removed from practical ministry and the “Vision of the House”.

Vision partners with some wonderful ministries led by men and women of God

  • Dr Denis Plant, Vision International College, Australia
  • Dr. Darryl Webb, Lighthouse Ministries
  • Dr. Berin Gilfillan, Good Shepherd Ministries
  • Dr. Patricia Hulsey, Harvest Time International Ministries
  • Dr. Tim Hamon, and the Christian International Ministries Network
  • Dr. Harold Eberle, Worldcast Ministries
  • Ken Kuhlken, Perelandra College
  • Dr John Delgado, Texas University of Theology
  • Dr. Ann Harris, New Life Bible College and Seminary
  • Dr. Pauline Walley-Daniels, Overcomers House Theological Institute
  • Geno Schmelzer, Zoe Interns
  • Steve Ekeroth, E4 Bible College
  • Pastor Donnie Shaffer, Ministers Training Institute
  • Pastor Willie Crews, Live Schools
  • Vidar Byberg, Excel College … and many more.

How to Start a Resouce Center

Apply for VIU's Double Degree Program!

Earn Your Bachelor of Ministry Degree + Internationally Accredited Master of Arts in Business and Ministry Degree