Vision International University


Year 3 (Transition Year)

Year Three of the Associate of Arts in Ministry

Year 3 (Transition Year)

Year Three of the Associate of Arts in Ministry

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Earn a VIU-Accredited Year Three of the Associate of Arts in Ministry

The third year of the Associate of Arts in Ministry at Vision International University is a critical transition year, deepening theological knowledge and ministry skills before advancing to a Bachelor’s degree program. This year is designed to refine and expand the students’ understanding of contemporary Christian ministry through biblical studies, theological insights, and practical ministry approaches.

Program Highlights

Advanced Biblical Studies: Courses such as Ephesians and Prophecy & Prophets in the New Testament & Today explore theological concepts and their application in modern contexts.

Church and Society: Students explore the historical and societal impact of Christianity in History of Civilization I: Church History Perspectives, and assess cultural dynamics in Cultural Anthropology: Environmental Analysis.

Ministry and Leadership Development: Focused studies in Pastoral Ministry, Introduction to Leadership, and Principles and Philosophy of Church Growth equip students with essential skills for leading congregations and religious organizations.

Global Mission Awareness: Introduction to World Missions prepares students for international ministry work, emphasizing cross-cultural communication and evangelical strategies.

Healing and Counseling: Specialized courses like Self-Concept: Studies in Biblical Inner Healing and Developing a Christian Counseling Ministry provide tools for effective pastoral care and counseling.

Elective Courses: Students can choose from electives such as Prophetic Protocols and Ministry Principles, Human Sexuality from a Biblical Perspective, and Dynamics of Revival to customize their learning experience based on personal ministry interests or specific community needs.

Goals for Year Three

  1. To deepen students’ theological understanding and analytical skills in interpreting scripture.
  2. To enhance leadership capabilities for church and community engagement.
  3. To prepare students for effective global missions and cross-cultural ministry.
  4. To develop advanced counseling and pastoral care strategies to support congregants and communities holistically.
This transitional year is bridges foundational studies with advanced ministry training. It prepares students for the realities of modern ministry, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle both theological and practical challenges in their future roles.

Year Three (Transition Year): 30 Credits

This course is an advanced study in hermeneutics and interpretation theory from pre-modern times to the present, with a focus on the interpretation and method of reading biblical texts. The course is designed to prepare the student for advanced interpretation of scripture and will investigate biblical interpretation in light of current theological, philosophical, ecclesiological, historical and social challenges. The student will be exposed to current scholarship on a variety of hermeneutical topics. The student will learn to be humble and open-minded when approaching the text, even those that seem familiar. A scholarly approach will be presented.

Credits: 3

An analysis and exposition of this dynamic letter of Paul the apostle to the church in Ephesus, expand the horizons of his readers, so that they might understand better the dimensions of God’s eternal purpose and grace and come to appreciate the high goals God has for the church.

Credits: 3

A study of church history during the Apostolic Age, the ante-Nicene period, and the post-Nicene period. Topics include the rise of orthodoxy, the many transformations that took place after the conversion of Constantine, the rise of the papacy, the many forms of medieval religious life, and the emergence of new forms of both lay and clerical piety. The developmental history of Western Civilization, in relation to the History of the Church, is noted in particular.

Credits: 3

This course explores the fundamental foundation of Christian belief in the area of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Orthodox Christian truths will be taught in detail and are prerequisite for a dynamic Christian.

Credits: 3

This course contains the biblical bases for the concept of inner healing and healing of the memories. The student will be able to deal with issues in his or her own past that may be preventing them from being a “real person”.

Credits: 3

Essential elements of servant-leadership will be addressed, including a brief overview of what Scripture teaches about leadership. Students will be exposed to a number of different leaders and put their learning into practice via a comprehensive project. This will include the Dynamics of Leadership, Qualifications of Leadership, Counseling and Ethics, Church Administration and Government, etc.

Credits: 3

This is a study of the practical side of a minister’s life and duties. It will include instruction in the proper manner of services, and a discussion of many of the problems a pastor faces.

Credits: 3

A study of the theology of missions from Pentecost to the present, culture, and the missionary, with special emphasis on the unreached people groups of the world.

Credits: 3

The Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20) is the continuing mandate of the church. Though methods of evangelism and church planting have changed, the mandate remains the same. How to “grow the church” is the focus of this course.

Credits: 3

Students will examine cultural anthropology from a Christian perspective, with particular emphasis on environmental analysis for missions. The students will gain a deeper understanding of different approaches to cultural anthropology and the applications of cultural theory for understanding cultural and religious diversity in the modern world. The importance of applied cultural anthropology to address the challenges of cross-cultural living and ministry will be emphasized.

Credits: 3

Electives (Year 3)

This course discusses the character of the prophetic minister and addresses some of the pitfalls and principles that will hinder or enhance the prophetic flow and the effectiveness of their ministry. Students are shown how to recognize hidden “root” problems, and detect and correct character flaws and “weed seed” attitudes. The author’s use of the 10 Ms of ministry helps identify those who are “true” or “false” prophets.

Credits: 3

This course is the examination of emotional problems, their antecedents and consequences with a special emphasis on the destructiveness of sin. The course will look at different methods of assessing psychological problems.

Credits: 3

This course is intended to help the Christian develop a counseling ministry. It presents the various laws and ethical requirements related to counseling and studies the many forms needed to conduct a successful counseling ministry.

Credits: 3

This is an introductory course dealing with the subject of human sexuality. The student will learn about what the Bible teaches about acceptable sex in the life of the Christian. Sexual deviations will also be considered.

Credits: 3

The focus of this course is to provide a rewarding learning experience for the Bible College student at an advanced level. The focus of this practical ministry experience is practical leadership ministry.

Credits: 3

Finding one’s place in the body of Christ as well as direction for one’s life and ministry is essential for effective Christian service. There are many theories of Divine guidance and each are explained within a solid Biblical perspective.

Credits: 3

This course presents studies on the priesthood of the believer. It is intended to help the believer to “come boldly to the throne.” The course examines the functions, responsibilities and blessings of being a priest in the Body of Christ.

Credits: 3

This is not so much a course on the techniques of planning a revival meeting, as it is a course in the true dynamic of true revival that come from the Lord.

Credits: 3

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